About Me

I grew up in Philadelphia and attended Northeast High School, where I was part of Project SPARC - a space simulator program. Around the same time, I became an EMT and a firefighter. While attending college at Penn State, I got my first ham license (a novice) and have since upgraded to Amateur Extra class in 2019. Over the years, I have worked on various software projects including developing test programs for avionic systems on the F/FB/EF-111 and the B1-B and also wrote some of the code for the SPARC (Space Acquisition and Radar Control) console that was used to monitor launches from the Kennedy Space Center. Today I work as a Salesforce Architect. I also like to dabble in photography in my spare time.

In 2020 I got involved with the GridTracker development team and and appeared on an episode of Linux in the Hamshack where myself a 2 other members of the team talked about the status of the project and some upcoming features.

My Radios

As with most hams, I have too many portables. I have 3 different Baofeng portables, a Yaesu VX-7R, a few Motorola's and an Anytone AT-D878UV for DMR. My base consists of a Yaesu FT-991a into a Barker & Williamson BWDS-90N folded dipole or a QSO-KING -- End Fed Multi-band Antenna (depending on my mood at the time and band conditions). In the car I have an Anytone AT-578IIIPRO that I use for both Amateur radio and Fire/EMS

Software that I use in the shack

These all work well together for FT4 and FT8 (as well as many other digital modes):

I run all of these on a Dell laptop that is running Ubuntu Linux

My Online Log Book